研究:近一半的美国青少年都看到误导的在线内容, Study: Nearly half of U.S. teens have seen misleading online content, with many using AI tools.
一份常见的Sense Media研究发现, 35%的13至18岁的美国青少年被AI制作的假内容误导, 41%的人在网络上遇到真实但误导性的内容。 A Common Sense Media study found that 35% of American teens aged 13 to 18 have been misled by AI-generated fake content, and 41% have encountered real but misleading content online. 70%的青少年使用自学工具,一半人不信任大科技公司负责任地使用自学工具。 Seventy percent of teens have used generative AI tools, and half do not trust big tech companies to use AI responsibly. 该研究报告强调,需要提高透明度和开展教育工作,以打击错误信息。 The study underscores the need for better transparency and educational efforts to combat misinformation.