巴西-中国外交关系50周年强调,伙伴关系是新兴世界秩序中的关键角色。 50th anniversary of Brazil-China diplomatic ties emphasizes partnership as key player in emerging world order.
巴西和中国庆祝两国外交关系50周年,强调两国的伙伴关系是新兴世界秩序中的一个关键角色。 Brazil and China celebrate their 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties, emphasizing their partnership as a key player in the emerging world order. 它们的伙伴关系已从贸易和投资发展到注重气候变化,在经济、贸易和政治争端方面相互支持,促进权力公平分配的多极世界秩序。 Their partnership has grown from trade and investment to focus on climate change, supporting each other in economic, trade, and political disputes, and promoting a multipolar world order with fair power distribution. 这一伙伴关系已扩大到环境保护和可再生能源,它们以金砖五国和20国集团等小组共同工作。 The partnership has expanded to environmental protection and renewable energy, and they work together in groups like BRICS and the G20.