RBI在金融市场上引入了自我管理组织框架。 RBI introduces framework for Self-Regulatory Organisations (SROs) in financial markets.
印度储备银行公布了一个在金融市场承认自我管理组织的框架。 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has unveiled a framework for recognising Self-Regulatory Organisations (SROs) in the financial markets. 这些自力更生行动的主要目的是加强合规文化,充当决策协商论坛,制定行业标准和最佳做法。 The primary purpose of these SROs is to enhance compliance culture, act as a consultative forum for policy-making, and develop industry standards and best practices. RBI声称,SROs将补充该国的立法和监管框架,而不是替代框架,并将与RBI密切合作,确保更好地遵守监管准则。 RBI asserts that SROs will complement the country's legislative and regulatory framework, not act as a substitute, and will work closely with the RBI to ensure better compliance with regulatory guidelines.