阿尔巴尼亚政府计划在澳大利亚引入英国模式的金融部门监管网格,以加强协调、简化监管和提高透明度。 Albanese government plans to introduce a UK-model financial sector regulatory grid in Australia for enhanced coordination, simplified regulation, and transparency.
阿尔巴尼亚政府计划引入金融部门监管网格,以增强澳大利亚金融业的协调性和一致性。 The Albanese government plans to introduce a financial sector regulatory grid to enhance coordination and coherence in Australia's financial industry. 该网格基于英国模式,旨在简化监管、提高透明度、减轻合规负担,并为企业提供潜在监管影响的清晰可见性。 This grid, based on the UK model, aims to simplify regulation, promote transparency, reduce compliance burden, and provide businesses with clear visibility of potential regulatory impacts. 该倡议得到了澳大利亚银行业协会的支持,该协会预计将改进规划、协调和创新。 The initiative is supported by the Australian Banking Association, which anticipates improved planning, coordination, and innovation.