PRASA为雇用和解雇CEO Zolani Matthews支付超过R15m的付款和法律费用。 PRASA incurs over R15m in payouts and legal fees for hiring and firing CEO Zolani Matthews.
由于集团CEO Zolani Matthews的雇用和解雇,南非客运铁路局(PRASA)在付款和法律费用方面花费了1 500万卢比以上。 South Africa's Passenger Rail Agency (PRASA) has incurred over R15m in payouts and legal fees due to the hiring and firing of Group CEO Zolani Matthews. PRASA被命令恢复Matthews 并支付31个月前的薪水, 然后又解雇他"业务需要"。 PRASA was ordered to reinstate Matthews and pay 31 months of back pay, then fired him again for "operational requirements." Matthews在劳资争议法庭对解雇他一事提出质疑,劳资争议法庭作出有利于他的裁决,并命令PRASA支付与听审有关的费用。 Matthews challenged his dismissal in the Labour Court, which ruled in his favor and ordered PRASA to pay costs associated with the hearings.