巴基斯坦油田有限公司在Kohat区Razgir-1井发现了大量的碳氢化合物储量。 Pakistan Oilfields Limited discovers significant hydrocarbon reserves at Razgir-1 well in Kohat district.
巴基斯坦油田有限公司(POL)宣布在开伯尔Pakhtunkhwa的Kohat区Razgir-1号勘探井发现大量碳氢化合物储量。 Pakistan Oilfields Limited (POL) has announced the discovery of significant hydrocarbon reserves at the Razgir-1 exploratory well in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Kohat district. Lockhart公司通过TAL集团合资企业的经营人MOL巴基斯坦石油和天然气公司B.V.进行的钻探Stem测试(DST),揭示了碳氢化合物的潜力。 The Lockhart formation revealed hydrocarbon potential through a Drill Stem Test (DST) conducted by MOL Pakistan Oil & Gas Co. B.V., the operator of the TAL Block joint venture. 经过充分测试的天然气每天1790万标准立方英尺和每天153桶凝析油,这将有助于巴基斯坦的能源安全并增加该国的碳氢化合物储量。 The well tested 17.9 million standard cubic feet per day of gas and 153 barrels per day of condensate, which will contribute to Pakistan's energy security and increase the country's hydrocarbon reserves.