惠誉评级警告印度金属公司和采矿公司,由于最高法院关于国家规定的矿物开采税的裁决,其运营成本可能更高。 Fitch Ratings warns Indian metal and mining companies may face higher operating costs due to Supreme Court ruling on state-imposed mineral extraction taxes.
惠誉评级警告印度金属公司和采矿公司,由于最高法院的一项裁决,允许各州政府从2005年4月1日起对矿物开采征收额外税,因此可能面临更高的运营成本。 Fitch Ratings warns Indian metal and mining companies may face higher operating costs due to a Supreme Court ruling allowing state governments to impose additional taxes on mineral extraction dating back to April 1, 2005. 从2026年4月1日起,这些税款将分12年分期缴纳。 The taxes will be paid over 12 years in instalments, starting from April 1, 2026. 由于EBITDA利率下降,Fitch预计会增加信用风险,钢铁和采矿公司比电力和水泥等行业更容易受到国家征收的税收. Fitch anticipates increased credit risks from weakened EBITDA margins, with steel and mining companies more exposed to state-imposed taxes than sectors like power and cement. 法院裁决的全部影响尚未确定。 The full impact of the court ruling is yet to be determined.