加利福尼亚学校校长提议在公共土地上为教师建造230万所住房,以解决住房费用高昂的问题。 California Schools Chief proposes building 2.3 million homes for teachers on public land to address high housing costs.
加利福尼亚学校校长Tony Thurmond提议在公共土地上为教师建造230万套住房, California Schools Chief Tony Thurmond proposes building 2.3 million homes on public land for teachers, addressing the state's high housing costs. 鉴于加利福尼亚州每年建造12万套住房的缓慢速度,该计划可能需要20年时间才能完成。 The plan could take 20 years to complete, given California's slow housing construction rate of 120,000 units per year. 批评者建议出售土地以偿还退休债务, 让房地产开发商创造更多工作、商业和税收。 Critics suggest selling land to pay off retirement obligations and let real estate developers create more jobs, businesses, and tax revenue.