亚马逊计划今年晚些时候将其无人机送货服务 Prime Air 扩展到亚利桑那州凤凰城的西谷地区。 Amazon plans to expand its drone delivery service, Prime Air, to the West Valley region of Phoenix, Arizona, later this year.
亚马逊计划今年晚些时候将其无人机送货服务 Prime Air 扩展到亚利桑那州凤凰城大都会区的西谷地区。 Amazon plans to expand its drone delivery service, Prime Air, to the West Valley region of the Phoenix metro area in Arizona later this year. 目前,该公司正在加利福尼亚州洛克福德逐步结束其无人机送货项目,此前该公司曾在那里测试该服务。 This comes as the company winds down its drone delivery program in Lockeford, California, where it had been testing the service. 亚马逊正在测试的新型 MK30 无人机噪音更小,飞行距离是现有送货无人机的两倍。 The new MK30 drones, being tested by Amazon, make less noise and can fly twice as far as the current delivery drones.