艾伯塔省母亲犯有用木勺袭击儿童罪,可有条件释放和缓刑。 Alberta mother guilty of assaulting children with wooden spoon, receives conditional discharge and probation.
艾伯塔省的一名母亲最初被指控犯有用武器袭击的罪名,她承认用木勺殴打她的两个孩子。 An Alberta mother, initially charged with assault with a weapon, pleaded guilty to assaulting her two children with a wooden spoon. 法院准予她有条件释放,并让她缓刑18个月,如果她遵守规定,她的记录将保持干净。 The court granted her a conditional discharge and placed her on probation for 18 months, with her record remaining clean if she complies. 孩子们不再和她住在一起了 这是她犯的第一个罪 The children are no longer living with her, and it was her first offense. 辩方辩称她是家庭虐待的受害者,认罪保护子女不作证。 The defense argued she was a victim of domestic abuse, pleading guilty to protect her children from testifying.