西尼罗河病毒的爆发在圣安东尼奥得到证实,蚊子检测呈阳性。 West Nile virus outbreak confirmed in San Antonio, with mosquitoes testing positive.
西尼罗病毒在圣安东尼奥的爆发证实, 蚊子检测结果呈阳性. West Nile virus outbreak confirmed in San Antonio as mosquitoes test positive. Bexar县应急管理办公室走访了2 138个受影响家庭、8所学校,以评估局势。 Bexar County Office of Emergency Management visits 2,138 affected homes, 8 schools to assess the situation. 向居民提供咨询:穿长袖衣服,使用驱虫剂防止扩散。 Advice to residents: wear long-sleeved clothing and use repellent to prevent spread.