挪威公司每年通过地下引爆,安全处置10 000多吨弹药。 Norwegian company safely disposes over 10,000 tonnes of munitions annually by underground detonation.
第二次世界大战后,像挪威这样的国家将剩余武器倾弃到海里,造成人造珊瑚礁,但也留下对海洋生物和人类构成危险的未爆弹药,从而处置了剩余武器。 After World War II, countries like Norway disposed of surplus weapons by dumping them into the sea, creating artificial reefs but also leaving unexploded ordnance that can pose risks to marine life and humans. 1972年的《国际公约》禁止倾弃化学武器,但处置武器的挑战依然存在。 The 1972 international convention banned chemical weapons dumping, but the challenge of disposing of weapons remains. 今天,挪威一家公司自1999年以来在地下引爆了10 000多吨弹药,安全地加工了这些弹药。 Today, a Norwegian company processes over 10,000 tonnes of munitions safely by detonating them underground since 1999.