弗吉尼亚州议员枪击案的嫌犯死亡 可能影响调查 Suspect in Virginia deputy's fatal shooting dies, potentially affecting the investigation.
据检察官说, 弗吉尼亚州警长助理枪击案的嫌疑人在医院死亡. Suspect in Virginia sheriff's deputy's fatal shooting dies at hospital, per prosecutor. 嫌疑人的死亡可能影响正在进行的调查和法律程序,尽管有关其死亡的具体细节尚未公布。 The suspect's death may impact the ongoing investigation and legal proceedings, although specific details surrounding his death have not been released. 弗吉尼亚州治安官的副手在事件中被枪杀,引起了执法界和公众的震惊和悲伤。 The Virginia sheriff's deputy was shot and killed during the incident, causing shock and sadness in the law enforcement community and the public.