明尼苏达州儿童保育提供者由于程序不参与,停止了州修订儿童保育许可证标准的计划。 Minnesota child care providers halt state's plan to revise child care licensing standards due to uninvolving processes.
明尼苏达州儿童保育提供者以不尊重和不参与的程序为由,停止了州修订儿童保育许可证发放标准的计划。 Minnesota child care providers have halted the state's plans to revise child care licensing standards, citing disrespectful and uninvolving processes. 美国明尼苏达州人力服务部 (DHS) 提出的家庭儿童保育条例现代化项目旨在解决检查时间和分层违规制度等问题,但像辛迪·坎宁汉姆这样的儿童保育提供者认为他们的担忧在最终草案中没有得到适当的解决. The Minnesota Department of Human Services' (DHS) proposed Family Child Care Regulation Modernization project aimed to address issues such as inspection time and tiered violation systems, but child care providers like Cyndi Cunningham felt their concerns were not properly addressed in the resulting draft. 人口与健康部现已决定回到绘图板,在修订中纳入所有观点,目的是使儿童保育社区有时间考虑其他草案。 DHS has now decided to go back to the drawing board and include all perspectives in the revision, with the goal of giving the child care community time to weigh in on additional drafts. 坎宁安希望订正案将于2026年提出,国家将增加该项目的资金。 Cunningham hopes that the revised revisions will be introduced in 2026 and that the state will increase funding for the project.