联邦法官批准俄勒冈州集体诉讼案中的寄养制度改革解决方案。 Federal judge approves foster care system reform settlement in Oregon class action lawsuit.
联邦法官批准了一项针对俄勒冈州公众服务部(人文服务部)的 集体诉讼的解决方案 旨在改革州寄养制度 A federal judge has approved a settlement in a class action lawsuit against Oregon's Department of Human Services (DHS) aimed at reforming the state's foster care system. 2019年提起的诉讼称,国土安全部未能保护寄养儿童免受虐待和创伤。 The lawsuit, initiated in 2019, claimed DHS failed to protect foster children from abuse and trauma. 解决涉及与中立专家合作,确定改进目标。 The settlement involves collaboration with a neutral expert to establish goals for improvement. 当前和以前培养的青年对进行必要的改革以加强该系统的安全和福祉表示谨慎的乐观。 Current and former foster youth express cautious optimism for necessary changes to enhance safety and well-being in the system.