Ernesto飓风在百慕大上空被削弱为热带风暴,造成大雨和强风。 Hurricane Ernesto weakened to a tropical storm over Bermuda, causing heavy rain and strong winds.
飓风埃内斯托在经过百慕大时减弱为热带风暴,带来强降雨和强风。 Hurricane Ernesto weakened to a tropical storm as it passed over Bermuda, bringing heavy rainfall and strong winds. 其力量随着它离开英国领土而减弱,现在它跨越大西洋的开放水域。 Its strength has diminished as it moves away from the British territory, now over open waters in the Atlantic Ocean. 降级对附近领土造成的风险较低,因为热带风暴比飓风威力小。 The downgrade poses a lower risk to nearby territories, as tropical storms are less powerful than hurricanes.