一名消防员因夏洛特东部迅速控制住的房屋火灾而受轻伤。 A firefighter suffered minor injuries responding to a quickly contained house fire in east Charlotte.
星期四上午6时前不久,在北卡罗来纳州东夏洛特(北卡罗来纳州)约3900 N. Sharon Amity Road发生房屋火灾时,一名消防员在应对火灾时受轻伤。 A firefighter was injured with minor injuries while responding to a house fire in east Charlotte, North Carolina, near 3900 N. Sharon Amity Road, shortly before 6 a.m. on Thursday. 大约37分钟内火灾被控制,消防员被带往医院,以防万一。 The fire was contained in about 37 minutes, and the firefighter was taken to the hospital as a precaution. 夏洛特消防局正在调查火灾的起因 The Charlotte Fire Department is investigating the cause of the fire.