加利福尼亚州长Gavin Newsom否决了一项旨在制定AI安全措施的法案。 California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill aiming to establish AI safety measures.
加利福尼亚州州长Gavin Newsom否决了一项突破性法案 旨在建立全国第一个 人工智能安全措施 California Governor Gavin Newsom has vetoed a groundbreaking bill intended to establish the nation's first safety measures for artificial intelligence. 该法案旨在建立一个监督框架,并解决与AI技术有关的潜在风险。 The bill aimed to create a framework for oversight and address potential risks associated with AI technologies. 受技术公司对扼杀创新的担忧影响的否决权,将AI安全问题留在州一级不受监管。 The veto, influenced by concerns from tech companies about stifling innovation, leaves the issue of AI safety unregulated at a state level. Newsom计划与行业专家合作制定替代准则。 Newsom plans to collaborate with industry experts to develop alternative guidelines.