纽约颁布了一项法律,监控国家机构的AI使用,要求在关键决策中对人工智能进行监督. New York enacts law to monitor AI use in state agencies, requiring human oversight in key decisions.
纽约州颁布了一项法律,要求各州机构审查并报告其使用AI软件的情况。 New York State has enacted a law requiring state agencies to review and report on their use of AI software. Kathy Hochul总督签署了该法案,该法案授权评估任何AI驱动工具,并在网上公布这些评论。 Governor Kathy Hochul signed the bill, which mandates assessments of any AI-powered tools and publishing these reviews online. 法律禁止人工智能在没有人监督的情况下参与失业救济等决定, 并保护国家雇员免受人工智能影响他们的工作时间或职责. The law forbids AI in decisions like unemployment benefits without human oversight and protects state workers from AI impacting their hours or duties. 州参议员Kristen Gonzalez, 该法案的发起人, 认为这对于指导AI在政府中的使用至关重要。 State Senator Kristen Gonzalez, the bill's sponsor, views it as crucial for guiding AI usage in government.