布鲁克林圣维图斯金属场馆由于容量和占用问题而永久关闭. Brooklyn's Saint Vitus metal venue permanently closed due to capacity and certificate of occupancy issues.
布鲁克林最受欢迎的金属场地圣维图斯在13年之后已经永久关闭,原因是与能力过剩和未解决占用证问题有关的持续违规行为。 Brooklyn's popular metal venue, Saint Vitus, has permanently closed after 13 years due to ongoing violations related to excessive capacity and unresolved certificate of occupancy issues. 以举办金属、朋克和重型表演而闻名的 Greenpoint 俱乐部面临着当地居民对噪音和人满为患的投诉。 Renowned for hosting metal, punk, and heavy shows, the Greenpoint club faced complaints from local residents about noise and overcrowding. 尽管最初试图获得主办展览的许可证,但业主未能解决问题,导致关闭。 Despite initial attempts to secure permits for hosting shows, the owners have not been able to resolve the issues, leading to the closure.