在北卡罗来纳州他的商店被抢劫时,36岁的印第安籍商店老板Mainank Patel被致命枪杀;被拘留的少年嫌疑人。 36-year-old Indian-origin store owner Mainank Patel was fatally shot during a robbery at his store in North Carolina; juvenile suspect in custody.
36岁的印裔商店老板Mainank Patel在北卡罗来纳州他的烟草店被抢劫时遭到致命枪击。 36-year-old Indian-origin store owner, Mainank Patel, was fatally shot during a robbery at his Tobacco House store in North Carolina. 一名青少年嫌疑人被拘押,尽管由于年龄关系,其详细信息已保密。 A juvenile suspect is in custody, though his details have been withheld due to his age. Patel以善待和社区参与著称,留下其怀孕的妻子和5岁的女儿。 Patel, known for his kindness and community involvement, leaves behind his pregnant wife and 5-year-old daughter. 枪击背后的动机目前尚不清楚,但初步资料表明,可能是一起抢劫未遂事件。 The motive behind the shooting is currently unclear, but preliminary information suggests it may have been a robbery attempt.