谢菲尔德警方逮捕了涉嫌枪杀企业主 Pravin Raojibhai Patel 的嫌疑人。 Sheffield Police apprehended suspect who allegedly shot and killed business owner Pravin Raojibhai Patel.
谢菲尔德警方已确认该企业主 Pravin Raojibhai Patel 是 Hillcrest Motel 汽车旅馆老板被谋杀的受害者。 Sheffield Police have identified the business owner, Pravin Raojibhai Patel, as the murder victim of a motel owner at the Hillcrest Motel. 犯罪嫌疑人威廉·杰里米·摩尔(William Jeremy Moore),34岁,据称他想租房子时发生口角,结果开枪打死了帕特尔。 The suspect, William Jeremy Moore, aged 34, allegedly wanted to rent a room when an altercation occurred, resulting in him shooting and killing Patel. 摩尔在试图闯入一所废弃房屋时被谢菲尔德警方逮捕,当时摩尔仍然持有凶器。 Moore was apprehended by Sheffield Police while attempting to break into an abandoned house and still had the murder weapon. 谢菲尔德市学校系统在警方追捕期间处于封锁状态,后来又被解除。 The Sheffield City School System went under lockdown during the police pursuit, which was later lifted. 将对帕特尔进行尸检。 An autopsy will be performed on Patel.