联邦调查局探员袭击了迪米特里·西梅斯的家 一个俄罗斯出生的特朗普竞选顾问 FBI agents raided Dimitri Simes' home, a Russian-born Trump campaign advisor.
联邦调查局特工突袭了迪米特里·西姆斯(Dimitri Simes)在弗吉尼亚州的家,迪米特里·西姆斯(Dimitri Simes)是一名俄罗斯出生的政治分析家,曾为特朗普2016年的竞选活动提供建议,并在俄罗斯国营第一频道主持节目。 FBI agents raided the Virginia home of Dimitri Simes, a Russian-born political analyst who advised Trump's 2016 campaign and hosts a show on Russia's state-run Channel One. 2019年关于俄罗斯干涉选举的穆勒报告提到,Simes说,他不知道搜查情况,执法部门没有与他联系。 Simes, mentioned in the 2019 Mueller report on Russian election interference, said he was unaware of the search and had not been contacted by law enforcement. 他建议这次突袭可能是企图恐吓他反对美国政策。 He suggested the raid might be an attempt to intimidate him for opposing US policies.