澳大利亚超级基金对澳大利亚22.7bn FutureMade基金表示有兴趣,以支持当地工业,包括绿色增长。 Australian super funds express interest in the $22.7bn Future Made in Australia fund to support local industries, including green growth.
澳大利亚超级基金对22.7bn澳大利亚制造业计划(称为 " 澳大利亚的未来制造 " 基金)表现出兴趣,该计划旨在支持锂加工等当地工业并发展绿色工业。 Australian super funds show interest in the $22.7bn Australian manufacturing scheme, known as Future Made in Australia fund, which aims to support local industries like lithium processing and develop green industries. 机构投资者支持该计划,指出公共融资可以为绿色增长、就业和气候目标释放私人资本。 Institutional investors support the plan, stating public financing can unlock private capital for green growth, jobs, and climate targets. 然而,绿党对为化石燃料提供公共资金表示关切,并有可能破坏政策,议会调查定于下个月报告。 However, the Greens party raises concerns over public funding for fossil fuels and threatens to derail the policy, with a parliamentary inquiry set to report next month.