澳大利亚政府更新了未来基金的任务,以关注国家优先事项,引发辩论。 Australian government updates Future Fund mandate to focus on national priorities, sparking debate.
澳大利亚政府已更新了未来基金(一个2 300亿美元的主权财富基金)的任务规定,以包括能源过渡和住房等国家优先事项。 The Australian government has updated the mandate for the Future Fund, a $230 billion sovereign wealth fund, to include national priorities like energy transition and housing. 虽然基金主席强调基金的独立性和按风险调整的回报率,但批评者认为,这些变化可能损害基金的成功,并把它变成政治工具。 While the fund's chairman emphasized its independence and risk-adjusted returns, critics argue the changes could compromise the fund's success and turn it into a political tool. 如果当选,反对党计划逆转这些变化。 The opposition party plans to reverse these changes if elected.