温哥华岛上的八月蝙蝠幼崽学会了飞行,增加了目击事件并向不列颠哥伦比亚省报告。 社区蝙蝠方案。 August bat pups on Vancouver Island learn to fly, increasing sightings and reports to the B.C. Community Bat Program.
八月,温哥华岛上的蝙蝠幼崽学会飞行并离开它们的夏季栖息地,导致蝙蝠在不寻常的地方看到的蝙蝠增加,如入口处、地面和飞入门敞开的房屋。 In August, bat pups on Vancouver Island learn to fly and leave their summer roosts, resulting in increased sightings of bats in unusual places like entryways, on the ground, and flying into houses with open doors. 这导致向公元前委员会提交的报告增加。 This leads to a rise in reports to the B.C. 社区蝙蝠方案建议居民准备在此期间遇到蝙蝠。 Community Bat Program, which advises residents to be prepared for encountering bats during this time.