RIAI敦促爱尔兰政府在2025年预算中优先考虑负担得起的住房,提出11项行动建议。 RIAI urges Irish government to prioritize affordable housing in Budget 2025 with 11 proposed actions.
爱尔兰建筑师小组(RIAI)敦促爱尔兰政府利用2025年预算提供更负担得起的住房, Irish architects' group, RIAI, urges Irish government to use Budget 2025 for more affordable housing, proposing 11 actions to deliver a high-quality built environment. 其中包括雇用更多的建筑师设计公共建筑,支持经济适用住房的研究和创新,增加对建筑和建筑教育的投资。 These include hiring more architects for public building design, supporting research & innovation for affordable housing, and increasing investment in architecture & construction education. 这是在一份报告显示爱尔兰人口增长率在2015-2023年期间超过新家产率近4:1之后提出的。 This comes after a report showed Ireland's population growth exceeded new home delivery by nearly four to one between 2015-2023.