国际法院于12月2日就关于国家气候变化义务的不具约束力的咨询意见举行听证会。 The ICJ sets a Dec. 2 hearing for a non-binding advisory opinion on states' climate change obligations.
国际法院将一个具有里程碑意义的气候变化案件的公开听证日期定为12月2日,目的是就国家在气候变化方面的义务提出不具约束力的咨询意见。 The ICJ has set a public hearing date of Dec. 2 for a landmark climate change case, which aims for a non-binding advisory opinion on the obligations of states in respect of climate change. 该案件由联合国大会送交国际法院,将探讨各国根据国际法有义务保护气候和环境免受人为温室气体排放的影响,以及其行动或不行动严重损害气候和环境的政府的法律后果。 The case, sent to the ICJ by the UN General Assembly, will explore countries' obligations under international law to protect the climate and environment from human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, and the legal consequences for governments whose actions or inaction have significantly harmed the climate and environment. 在此之前,世界各地其他法官和法庭作出了许多裁决,敦促各国政府对温室气体排放采取更多行动。 This follows numerous rulings by other judges and tribunals worldwide urging governments to take more action against greenhouse gas emissions.