徒步旅行者在麦克利根峡谷死亡;搜救人员发现尸体,调查正在进行中. Hiker dies in McKelligon Canyon; search and rescue crews find body, investigation ongoing.
徒步旅行者在埃尔帕索的麦凯利贡峡谷死亡;埃尔帕索消防局的联合搜救人员发现了一具尸体,并将现场移交给埃尔帕索警察局进行进一步调查。 Hiker dies in McKelligon Canyon, El Paso; El Paso Fire Department's Combined Search and Rescue crews found a body and have handed over the scene to the El Paso Police Department for further investigation. 初次报告表明,一位需要帮助的远足者身陷困境,其个人身份、年龄和死因的详细情况尚待披露。 Initial reports indicated a distressed hiker in need of assistance, with details on the individual's identity, age, and cause of death yet to be revealed. 故事仍在发展之中,随着更多资料的提供,将提供最新资料。 The story is still developing, with updates to be provided as more information becomes available.