科修斯科县一辆未减速的皮卡车撞上一名 54 岁的摩托车手,导致其受重伤。 54-year-old motorcyclist critically injured in Kosciusko County crash by pickup truck failing to yield.
54 岁的摩托车手在科修斯科县车祸中受重伤。 54-year-old motorcyclist critically injured in Kosciusko County crash. 事件于周五晚上发生在北 13 号州际公路和行政大道的交叉口处。 The incident happened Friday evening at the intersection of N. State Road 13 and Executive Drive. 这名来自锡拉丘兹的摩托车手当时正沿着 13 号国道向南行驶,突然一辆皮卡车在路口未减速。 The motorcyclist, from Syracuse, was heading south on State Road 13 when a pickup truck failed to yield at the intersection. 摩托车手被空运至医院,目前情况稳定但危急。 The motorcyclist was airlifted to the hospital and is listed in stable but critical condition. 卡车司机是一名 65 岁的利斯堡男子,他在现场接受了治疗。 The pickup truck driver, a 65-year-old Leesburg man, was treated at the scene. 科修斯科县治安官办公室仍在调查这起事故。 The crash remains under investigation by the Kosciusko County Sheriff's Office.