2018年,帕克兰枪击受害者的母亲设立了纪念基金,将贫困儿童送入夏令营。 2018 Parkland shooting victim's mother establishes memorial fund to send underprivileged children to summer camps.
被害教师Scott Beigel的母亲Linda Beigel Schulman建立了Scott J. Beigel纪念基金,以纪念她儿子对参加夏令营的热爱。 Linda Beigel Schulman, mother of slain teacher Scott Beigel, has established the Scott J. Beigel Memorial Fund to honor her son's love for attending summer camp. 自2018年帕克兰高中大屠杀以来,基金已经将264名9-16岁的儿童送往佛罗里达、纽约、新泽西和马萨诸塞州的梦游营。 Since the 2018 Parkland high school massacre, the fund has sent 264 children aged 9-16 to sleep-away camps in Florida, New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. 大多数儿童来自贫困背景,或受到枪支暴力的影响。 Most of the children come from underprivileged backgrounds or have been affected by gun violence. 这些营地为儿童提供了一个有利的环境,以建立友谊、学会信任和体验伟大的户外活动。 The camps provide a supportive environment for children to build friendships, learn to trust, and experience the great outdoors. 这笔基金用于支付入学费和运输费,如果营地人员保持良好成绩,不惹麻烦,每年夏天必须返回营地。 The fund covers enrollment and transportation fees, with campers required to return each summer if they maintain good grades and stay out of trouble.