佛罗里达州立法机构的一项两党法案旨在为虐待受害者提供赔偿。 A bipartisan bill in Florida's legislature aims to provide reparations to victims of abuse.
佛罗里达州立法者正在接近一项提案的最后阶段,该提案将为多齐尔男子学校的虐待受害者提供赔偿,这是一所臭名昭著的公立改革学校,有性虐待和身体虐待的历史。 Florida lawmakers are nearing the final stages of a proposal that would grant reparations to victims of abuse at the Dozier School for Boys, a notorious state-run reform school with a history of sexual and physical abuse. 根据两党法案设立的多齐尔男子学校和奥基乔比学校受害者赔偿计划将为 1940 年至 1975 年间发生的虐待事件的在世受害者提供财政支持。 The Dozier School for Boys and Okeechobee School Victim Compensation Program, established by the bipartisan bill, would provide financial support to living victims of abuse that occurred between 1940 and 1975. 自佛罗里达州 2017 年就虐待事件正式道歉以来,已有 400 多名受害者挺身而出。 Over 400 victims have come forward since the State of Florida formally apologized for the abuse in 2017.