新西兰商业委员会警告说,超市定价错误可能使消费者每年付出数千万的代价,要求改进和公布退款政策。 New Zealand's Commerce Commission warns that supermarket pricing errors may cost consumers tens of millions annually, calling for improved and publicized refund policies.
新西兰商业委员会警告说,超市定价错误可能使消费者每年损失数千万美元。 New Zealand's Commerce Commission warns that supermarket pricing errors may cost consumers tens of millions of dollars annually. Grocery Commission Pierre van Heerden呼吁大型超市改善并公布退款政策, Grocery Commissioner Pierre van Heerden calls for major supermarkets to improve and publicize their refund policies, stating that accurate and clear pricing is a consumer right. 委员会计划采用强制性披露标准,要求大超市定期披露客户投诉信息,包括定价和促销问题。 The Commission plans to introduce a mandatory disclosure standard that requires major supermarkets to regularly disclose information about customer complaints, including around pricing and promotional issues.