澳大利亚非政府组织发起“烟火杀手”运动, 敦促政府不要停止新的化石燃料生产, Australian NGOs launch 'Smoke Kills' campaign urging gov't to halt new fossil fuel production, comparing their health impacts to smoking, gambling, and alcohol.
澳大利亚非政府组织Comms宣言在澳大利亚环保医生的支持下, 发起「烟火杀手」运动, 敦促政府停止新的化石燃料生产。 Australian NGO Comms Declare, backed by Doctors for the Environment Australia, launched 'Smoke Kills' campaign urging the government to stop new fossil fuel production. Silver Lining发起的这项运动利用离家、社会和数字平台,将化石燃料的危险与吸烟、赌博和酗酒的危险作一比较,指出化石燃料对健康的影响每年比吸烟造成更多的全球死亡。 The campaign, created by Silver Lining, uses out-of-home, social, and digital platforms and compares the dangers of fossil fuels to those of smoking, gambling, and alcohol, stating that their health impacts cause more global deaths annually than smoking. 该运动指示人们签署请愿书,禁止新的煤炭、石油和天然气项目,限制广告和赞助。 The campaign directs people to sign a petition for banning new coal, oil, and gas projects and restricting advertising and sponsorships.