蒙特利尔和多伦多限制公共交通中的矿物燃料广告,仿效加拿大其他城市。 Montreal and Toronto limit fossil fuel advertising in public transit, following other Canadian cities.
加拿大其他城市也采取了类似举措,蒙特利尔和多伦多正在采取步骤,限制公共交通中的矿物燃料广告。 Montreal and Toronto are taking steps to limit fossil fuel advertising in public transit, following similar initiatives in other Canadian cities. 蒙特利尔的STM正在为基于证据的广告引入指导方针, 而多伦多市议会正在探索禁止误导性化石燃料促销, Montreal's STM is introducing guidelines for evidence-based ads, while Toronto's city council is exploring a ban on misleading fossil fuel promotions, aligning with federal anti-greenwashing rules. 如果Ads符合城市净零排放计划,仍可允许Ads。 Ads may still be allowed if they meet the city's net-zero emissions plan. 倡导团体在对欺骗性环境主张的关切中支持这些措施。 Advocacy groups support these measures amid concerns over deceptive environmental claims.