北克计划在秋季允许一些患有严重,无法治愈的疾病的患者提前申请MAID. Quebec plans to allow early MAID requests in fall for some patients with serious, incurable illnesses.
北克计划在秋季批准早期申请MAID,允许某些患者在他们的病情使他们无法同意之前提出申请. Quebec plans to authorize early requests for MAID in the fall, allowing certain patients to make requests before their condition makes it impossible for them to give consent. 在此之前,该省于2023年6月通过了一项法律,允许患有严重、无法治愈的疾病的个人在仍然有能力表示同意的情况下寻求国际开发署的帮助,在其病情恶化后实施程序。 This comes after the province adopted a law in June 2023 that enables individuals with serious, incurable illnesses to seek MAID while they still have the capacity to provide consent, with the procedure carried out after their condition has worsened. 魁北克省一直呼吁联邦政府修改《刑法》, 允许民众提出此类请求, 但该省表示不会再等了。 Quebec has been calling on the federal government to modify the Criminal Code to allow people to make such requests, but the province says it won't wait any longer. 联邦卫生部长办公室提到,联邦政府继续就此事项与魁北克合作。 The federal Health Minister's office mentions that the federal government continues to collaborate with Quebec regarding this matter.