由于 LaSalle Causeway 关闭,金士顿为 Waaban Crossing 引入了实时交通信息。 Kingston introduces live traffic feed for Waaban Crossing due to LaSalle Causeway closure.
金士顿为 Waaban Crossing 推出了实时交通信号,以帮助司机管理因 LaSalle Causeway 暂时关闭而增加的拥堵。 Kingston has introduced a live traffic feed for Waaban Crossing to help drivers manage increased congestion due to the temporary closure of LaSalle Causeway. 堤道以前每天处理约23,000辆汽车,将至少关闭到9月底,促使Waaban十字路口和401号高速公路之间的交通改道。 The Causeway, which previously handled around 23,000 vehicles daily, will remain closed until at least the end of September, prompting redirected traffic between Waaban Crossing and Highway 401. 现场直播使通勤者能够在旅行前检查目前的交通状况。 The live feed enables commuters to check current traffic conditions before travel.