第五巡回法院裁定地理搜查令违宪,违反了第四修正案。 5th Circuit Court rules geofence warrants as unconstitutional, violating 4th Amendment.
第五巡回上诉法院裁定,使警方能够在某一时间要求特定地区所有装置的定位数据的地理搜查令违反了《第四修正案》,违宪。 The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that geofence warrants, which enable police to demand location data for all devices in a specific area at a certain time, violate the Fourth Amendment and are unconstitutional. 法院认为,这些逮捕令过于宽泛,可能涉及有关无辜个人的数据。 The court found that these warrants are overly broad and can involve data on innocent individuals. 该决定限制第五巡回法院所覆盖的各州使用地理搜查令,尽管它支持执法部门的诚意,在一个具体案件中寻求这种搜查令。 This decision restricts the use of geofence warrants in the states covered by the Fifth Circuit, although it upheld the good faith of law enforcement seeking such a warrant in one specific case. 法院的结论是,通过这些逮捕令获得的数据在这两个州目前是非法的。 The court concluded that the data obtained through these warrants is unlawful in these states for now.