印度最高法院裁定,不允许要求被告分享谷歌地图位置以获得保释,因为这侵犯了隐私权。 Supreme Court of India rules against requiring accused to share Google Maps location for bail, violating privacy rights.
印度最高法院裁定,法院不能强加条件,要求被告向调查人员分享其谷歌地图位置作为保释条件,因为这将侵犯隐私权。 The Supreme Court of India has ruled that courts cannot impose conditions requiring an accused to share their Google Maps location with investigating officers as a condition for granting bail, as this would violate the right to privacy. 法院认为,保释条件不能允许警方不断追踪被告的行踪并侵犯其隐私权。 The court held that there cannot be bail conditions enabling the police to constantly track an accused's movements and infringe on their privacy rights.