NIST最终确定了三个关于数据和通信保护的分子后加密标准。 NIST finalizes three post-quantum cryptography standards for data and communication protection.
NIST最终确定了三个新的分子后加密标准,目的是保护数据和通信系统免遭可能的量子计算机攻击。 The NIST has finalized three new post-quantum cryptography standards designed to protect data and communication systems from potential quantum computer attacks. 这是首次公布此类标准。 This marks the first time such standards have been published. 这三种算法是八年努力的结果,已纳入联邦信息程序标准,可供立即使用。 The three algorithms, which are the result of an eight-year effort, have been incorporated into Federal Information Process Standards (FIPS) and are ready for immediate use. 量子计算技术正在迅速发展,一些专家预测,一个能够打破当前加密方法的装置可以在十年内出现。 Quantum computing technology is advancing rapidly, and some experts predict that a device capable of breaking current encryption methods could appear within a decade. 新标准将帮助各组织执行安全措施,确保数据在量期后的未来仍然安全。 The new standards will help organizations implement security measures to ensure data remains secure in a post-quantum future.