专家强调企业迫切需要在不断增长的量子计算行业中采用后量子加密技术. Experts emphasize the urgent need for businesses to adopt post-quantum cryptography amid the growing quantum computing industry.
在温哥华的“倒计时到Q日”小组讨论期间,专家们强调企业迫切需要做好准备,以应对量子计算上升带来的网络安全威胁。 During the "Count Down to Q-Day" panel in Vancouver, experts stressed the urgency for businesses to prepare for cybersecurity threats posed by the rise of quantum computing. 量子计算机很容易解密常规加密,冒财务和机密数据的风险。 Quantum computers could easily decrypt conventional encryption, risking financial and confidential data. 为此,采用提供抗量算法的量子后加密技术至关重要。 To counter this, the adoption of post-quantum cryptography, which provides quantum-resistant algorithms, is essential. 预计到2040年,量子计算行业的规模将达到1310亿美元,到2029年预计将取得重大进展. The quantum computing industry is projected to reach $131 billion by 2040, with significant advancements expected by 2029.