Eviden介绍了欧盟主权、独立云层的PQC HSMAAAS,用于遵守新谢克尔2和量子威胁保护。 Eviden introduces EU sovereign, cloud-independent PQC HSMaaS for NIS2 compliance and quantum threat protection.
作为Atos集团的一部分,Eviden推出了PQC HSMAAS,这是一个独立于云的欧盟主权硬件安全模块,作为使用量子加密后(PQC)的服务。 Eviden, part of the Atos Group, has introduced PQC HSMaaS, a cloud-independent, EU sovereign Hardware Security Module as a Service that utilizes Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC). 这一解决方案得到美国国家安全局最高安全标准的认证,有助于各组织遵守NIS2指令,保护敏感数据免受量子计算威胁。 This solution, certified by ANSSI's highest security standards, aids organizations in complying with the NIS2 Directive and protects sensitive data against quantum computing threats. PQC HSMAAS每月订阅一次。 PQC HSMaaS is available through a monthly subscription.