发现男性尸体漂浮在63号公路附近的池塘里 利文斯顿教区警长正在调查 Male body found floating in pond near Highway 63; Livingston Parish Sheriff investigating.
发现一具男性尸体漂浮在63号公路附近的池塘中,在利文斯顿教区12号州际公路外的佩普西工厂。 A male body was discovered floating in a pond near Highway 63 and the Pepsi plant off Interstate 12 in Livingston Parish. 利文斯顿教区治安官办公室正在调查此案,并公布了有关受害者身份和死因的有限信息。 The Livingston Parish Sheriff's Office is investigating the case and has released limited information regarding the victim's identity and cause of death. 多名执法人员正在对现场作出反应。 Multiple law enforcement officers are responding to the scene.