在沃尔顿堡海滩外的水中发现一名年轻男子的尸体;死因正在调查中。 Body of a young man found in water off Fort Walton Beach; cause of death under investigation.
发现一名年轻男性的尸体漂浮在沃特顿堡海滩海滩海滩海滩Beachview车道附近离家很近的水面上。 A young male's body was discovered floating in the water offshore near homes on Beachview Drive in Fort Walton Beach. Okalosa县警长办公室正在调查,没有犯规的迹象。 The Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office is investigating, with no signs of foul play. 死因不明,将进行尸检以了解更多细节。 The cause of death is unknown and an autopsy will be conducted for further details.