民主党州长候选人詹妮弗·麦考密克(Jennifer McCormick)批评印第安纳州的高中文凭重新设计,称其不足以为未来的职业做好准备。 Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jennifer McCormick criticizes Indiana's high school diploma redesign, calling it inadequate for future career preparedness.
民主党州长候选人詹妮弗·麦考密克(Jennifer McCormick)批评印第安纳州的高中文凭重新设计,称其缺乏严谨性,未能为学生未来的职业生涯做好准备。 Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jennifer McCormick criticizes Indiana's high school diploma redesign, stating it lacks rigor and fails to prepare students for future careers. 重新设计的目的是改变目前的文凭,重点是低技能工作,而不是使学生掌握各种职业道路(包括大学和军队)所需的可转让技能。 The redesign aims to change the current diploma, focusing on low-skill jobs, instead of equipping students with transferable skills needed for various career paths, including college and the military. McCormick是前国家公共教育总监,他敦促花更多时间开发新的文凭,要求达到大学录取标准。 McCormick, a former state superintendent of public instruction, urges for more time to develop the new diplomas and for requirements to meet college admission standards.