Breeze航空公司于2021年12月从特维德-新黑文机场发射不间断航班,并于2022年2月扩大到六个新的目的地。 Breeze Airways launches nonstop flights from Tweed-New Haven Airport in Dec 2021, expanding to six new destinations in Feb 2022.
Breeze Airways是一家新的低成本航空公司,将于2021年12月从Tweed-New Haven Airport开始不间断地从Tweed-New Haven Airport起飞,服务于佛罗里达的Fort Myers、Orlando、West Palm Beach和Vero Beach。 Breeze Airways, a new low-cost carrier, will start nonstop flights from Tweed-New Haven Airport in Dec 2021, serving Fort Myers, Orlando, West Palm Beach, and Vero Beach in Florida. 计划于2022年2月向包括查尔斯顿、杰克逊维尔、诺福克、拉利-杜尔汉姆、里士满和萨拉索塔-布拉达登在内的六个新目的地扩展。 Expansion to six new destinations, including Charleston, Jacksonville, Norfolk, Raleigh-Durham, Richmond, and Sarasota-Bradenton, is planned for February 2022. 这将是2007年以来首次由不止一家航空公司为特韦德·纽黑文服务。 This will be the first time Tweed New Haven has been served by more than one airline since 2007.