今年春天,从5月8日开始,微风航空公司从罗切斯特开始从罗切斯特飞往四个南方城市的航班。 Breeze Airways to debut flights from Rochester to four Southern cities this spring, starting May 8.
由 David Neeleman 创立的 Breeze Airways 将于今年春天推出从罗切斯特大国际机场飞往南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿、北卡罗来纳州罗利-达勒姆、新奥尔良和奥兰多的航班。 Breeze Airways, founded by David Neeleman, will launch flights from Rochester's Greater International Airport to Charleston, S.C., Raleigh-Durham, N.C., New Orleans, and Orlando this spring. 该航空公司对东北和中大西洋区域之间的旅行需求强劲。 The airline sees strong demand for travel between the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions. 首席执行官强调Rochester适合他们的网络,5月8日开始飞往Charleston,5月9日飞往Raleigh-Durham。 The CEO highlighted Rochester's suitability for their network, with flights to Charleston starting May 8 and Raleigh-Durham on May 9.