艾维洛航空公司在Tweed-New Haven机场扩张, 增加了新奥尔良的航线, 并将冬季航班增加到波多黎各. Avelo Airlines expands at Tweed-New Haven Airport with new routes to New Orleans and doubles winter flights to Puerto Rico.
Avelo Airlines正在特威德-纽黑文机场进行扩张,提供飞往新奥尔良的新直飞航线,并将飞往波多黎各的冬季航班增加一倍。 Avelo Airlines is expanding at Tweed-New Haven Airport with new nonstop routes to New Orleans and doubling winter flights to Puerto Rico. 该航空公司将提供单程票价,价格从79美元开始,并通过增加四架波音下一代737-800增加客户容量. The airline will offer one-way fares starting at $79 and increase customer capacity by adding four Boeing Next-Generation 737-800s. 这些扩大的目的是加强航空公司在南康涅狄格州的存在,提供方便、负担得起和可靠的航空服务。 These expansions aim to enhance the airline's presence in Southern Connecticut, providing convenient, affordable, and reliable air service.