联合王国政府提议增加对水公司失灵的赔偿。 UK government proposes to increase compensation for water company failures.
联合王国政府提议增加对水公司失灵的赔偿,水公司如果计划获得批准,必须向受影响的家庭和企业支付更高的赔偿。 The UK government proposes to increase compensation for water company failures, with water companies required to pay higher compensation to affected households and businesses if their plans are approved. 这些建议将扩大引发赔偿的情况,包括在饮用或烹饪前需要煮水时,自动支付“注水通知”费用。 The proposals would broaden the circumstances that trigger compensation, including automatic payments for "boil notices" when water needs to be boiled before drinking or cooking. 计划有为期八周的咨询期。 An eight-week consultation period is in place for the plans.