根据一项研究, 威尔士的康威市的16世纪英国最小的房子面临气候变化和洪水的威胁. 16th-century Smallest House in Britain in Conwy, Wales, faces threats from climate change and flooding, as per a study.
根据卡迪夫大都会大学的一项研究, 威尔士康威市的16世纪英国最小的房子面临气候变化和洪水的威胁. 16th-century Smallest House in Britain in Conwy, Wales, faces threats from climate change and flooding, as per a study by Cardiff Metropolitan University. 在威尔士列出的30,000座建筑物中,16%位于洪涝区,有损坏、视觉改变或交通不便的危险。 Of 30,000 listed buildings in Wales, 16% are in flood zones, risking damage, visual alteration, or inaccessibility. 研究报告强调社区参与气候变化规划的必要性,所有者Jan Tyley希望报告能提高认识并鼓励采取行动保护历史遗址。 The study underscores the need for community involvement in climate change planning, with owner Jan Tyley hoping the report raises awareness and encourages action to protect the historic site.